Episode 23

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Episode Information
Episode #23
Title 1:
Title 2: Rei III
Written By Hideaki Anno, Hiroshi Yamaguchi
Directed By Masahiko Otsuka, Ken Ando
First Aired 3-6-1996
Video Release Date 3-5-1997 (Japan-Video/LD), 5-29-2001 (US-DVD)
Angel Appearances Armisael
Eva Sorties Eva-00, Eva-01, Eva-02
Episode chronology
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Asuka sinks into deep depression after Arael's mental probing, and is unable to pilot when the new Angel Armisael arrives. Armisael begins physically fusing with Eva-00 and threatens to do the same to Eva-01, prompting Rei to sacrifice herself to save Shinji, only to appear alive soon afterwards. Under threat by Misato, Ritsuko opens the door to a room in Terminal Dogma to reveal the dark truth about Rei Ayanami.


The Episode begins with a recording of Kaji's voice telling Misato and Ritsuko that he's sorry. Shinji waits outside Misato's room with Pen Pen, seeing how doesn't want to be disturbed. Asuka has run away from home and is not coming to school, staying instead with Hikari Horaki and playing videogames all day. At night, she tells Hikari how useless she feels, and Hikari tries to cheer her up by telling her she did her best.

Seele is furious with Gendo over the use of the Lance of Longinus, which is now heading for the moon, and plans to send Gendo another warning to keep him in line. Ritsuko hears over the telephone that someone whom she refers to as "That child"(Ano ko) and "The Cat"(Neko) died, and tells her "Grandma" on the other end that she will visit her mother's grave, since it has been over three years since she last visited. She ends the conversation with the cryptic statement, "So that child is dead". In a meeting with Seele, Gendo explains that it was his priority to destroy the Angel, a statement the Russian committee member scoffs at. Fuyutsuki calls, telling him an Angel is approaching, and Gendo leaves the meeting. Chairman Lorenz begins to seriously consider the possibility that Gendo intends to betray Seele.

Armisael appears, having crossed over Goura. Rei is sent out in Eva-00, with Asuka as her backup. The Angel's unusual A.T. Field variations puzzle the Magi, and until the Angel's abilities are clear, a tense standoff is maintained. Rei is told to pull back and observe it, but the Angel changes shape and attacks the Eva. Shooting it with the sniper rifle is useless, and the Angel erodes the A.T. Field and begins biofusion with the Eva. A network of vein-like patterns grows over Rei's body, corresponding to the growth on her Eva. Misato launches Eva-02 and orders Asuka to lift off, but her synch level is so low she can't move her Eva. She is immediately withdrawn by Misato.

Soon, Rei feels the presence of someone else inside the Eva. She sees Armisael take her own form, and talk to her. Armisael reveals that she is lonely, and indicates to Rei that she is lonely too. Rei actually cries, and is surprised to see her own tears. Armisael creates a monstrous growth from the Eva's back in which the shapes of all the previous Angels- her dead siblings- are visible. Misato is horrified at the sight, and Gendo orders Eva-01 out of its freeze.

Armisael attacks Eva-01 through its other end, destroying the pallet rifle. Shinji grabs Armisael, who begins fusing with his hands. When he stabs the Angel, it howls like Rei. To his utter horror, miniature Rei faces appear out of his biofused hands, telling him "It hurts". Armisael's end takes Rei's form, and caresses the Eva's face, causing veins to appear across it. Rei realizes that her desire is to be with Shinji, and proceeds to contain the Angel to save Shinji. Ignoring Gendo and Misato ordering her to leave the Eva, she sacrifices her life by self-destructing the Eva.

The huge explosion caused destroys most of the city, and the waters of Lake Ashinoko flood the impact site, which visibly resembles a Mandelbrot Set. Ritsuko and a contamination squad scour the area; Ritsuko locates the Entry Plug and orders it to be taken. Soon afterwards, Misato recieves the news that Rei is alive and in hospital. Shinji meets Rei, who has no memory of self-destructing to save Shinji, and says, "I think I am the third."

Seele put Ritsuko through torture and shame as she stands naked before the monoliths. The French member reveals that Gendo sent her in place of Rei. Enraged, she calls Shinji and tells him to see her at once. Misato follows- with a gun. Ritsuko shows Shinji and Misato the room where Rei was born, and the Eva Graveyard. Finally, she shows them the dark secret of the Dummy System- the tank full of Rei bodies that serves as its core. She destroys the Rei clones in full view of both of them. The third Rei, meanwhile, is inside her apartment, looking through her things. Seele awaits the final Angel.

On-Air Version

  • The battle with Armisael is much shorter. The "Tower of Angels", the battle with Eva-01 and the scene of Eva-00 transforming into a giant glowing Rei are all absent.

Write this from the perspective of how the OA differs from the DC, not vice versa.


  • The scene of Asuka and Hikari sleeping together contrasts directly with the scene between Shinji and Kaworu in the next episode. Asuka sobs into her pillow and is facing away from Hikari, while Hikari looks straight up and doesn't look at her when she talks. While Hikari seems somewhat sad about Asuka but not overly concerned for her, Asuka is too ashamed of herself to face Asuka. A previous scene between Shinji and Kaji had both of them facing opposite ways, showing a reluctance to talk to each other.

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