Volume 12 (Neon Genesis Evangelion)

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Volume 12
Shin Seiki Evangelion
Author: Yoshiyuki Sadamoto
Publish date: Japan: April 3, 2010. U.S.: March 15, 2011.
Volume chronology
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Volume 12 is the twelfth edition of Yoshiyuki Sadamoto's manga adaptation of Neon Genesis Evangelion. It is comprised of 7 stages.


Stage 77: Genocide

The JSSDF begins it's invasion of Nerv HQ and measures must be taken to halt their advance. The bridge crew are unable to locate Rei, Shinji awaiting his death, and with Asuka in the hospital the outlook is bleak. In a move to save the pilots Misato has Asuka put into Unit-02 and sent to the bottom of the GeoFront's lake. With Shinji cut off from any escape he is about to be killed. At the last second one of the soldiers is killed by a bullet fired by Gendo.

Stage 78: Father and Child

Stage 79: The Promised Time

Stage 80: Encounter

Stage 81: Enemy From The Sky

In a bid to stop Unit-02 the JSSDF targets and destroys the umbilical cable leaving it with five minutes of internal power. Even with this handicap Asuka manages to destroy several Heavy Fighter Jet-VTOLs. Seele tired of Nerv related setbacks sends the S² engine equipped Eva series to deal with Unit-02.

Stage 82: The Last Instruction

Stage 83: Call And Response

Asuka continues her battle against the Eva series, she take downs nearly all of them with a minute of power left. The wounded Misato is captured by JSSDF troops but she doesn't go down without a fight. Shinji arrives at the cage only to discover that Eva Unit-01 is encased in bakelite, which was used earlier to slow down the JSSDF. Shinji, upset that he can't keep his promise to Misato, yells for his mother to move causing Eva Unit-01 to activate and break free.

Manga Volumes
Volume 1 | Volume 2 | Volume 3 | Volume 4 | Volume 5 | Volume 6 | Volume 7 | Volume 8 | Volume 9 | Volume 10
Volume 11 | Volume 12 | Volume 13 | Volume 14