FGC:Episode 06 Cut 065

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


Tilt shot of the strategy room. Misato sits with her legs crossed, with Hyuuga standing behind her.

HYUGA:“If there’s a 100% chance of it being attacked by a particle cannon as soon as it’s in range, then a direct attack on it with an Eva is too dangerous, isn’t it?”

MISATO:“What about its AT field?”

Xard: "Using lots of captions to create a war movie feel or a documentary feel is one of Hideaki Anno’s fortes, which hasn’t been seen since Aim for the Top!" (Platinum Booklet) - I recently watched the original Space Battleship Yamato tv series from 1974 and the captions used there are very similar. I suspect that's where Anno got this habit from. Other option would be Ultraman I guess: I also watched Ultraseven episode directed by Akio Jissin recently and it featured some similar use of captions in similar font...