Episode 01

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Episode Information
Episode #01
Title 1: {{{japanese_title_k}}}
Title 2: {{{english_title}}}
Episode 01
Written By {{{written_by}}}
Directed By {{{directed_by}}}
First Aired 10-4-1995
Video Release Date {{{video_release}}}
Angel Appearances Sachiel
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Events Synopsis

A mysterious figure glides underwater towards Tokyo-3, passing sunken buildings on it's way. It's the Angel Sachiel. After 15 years the Angels have begun to attack.

Meanwhile,Shinji Ikari arrives in Tokyo-3. He is waiting by a phone booth for Misato Katsuragi, who has sent him a risque photo of herself. During his wait he suddenly notices a mysterious teenage girl who seems to be observing him; she vanishes as quickly as she appeared. Before he can ponder this Sachiel appears. Shinji is rescued in the nick of time by Misato and is taken to Nerv's underground base.

Meanwhile, the military is powerless against Sachiel, so they surrender command to Shinji's long absent father, Gendo Ikari.

Upon their arrival, Shinji and Misato are greeted by Ritsuko Akagi Nerv's chief scientist. Shinji then learns that he has been summoned to pilot Evangelion Unit-01 into battle against the Angel. Shinji, who plainly detests his father refuses. Gendo then sends for his other pilot Rei Ayanami despite her being seriously injured, coldly telling his vice-commander Kozo Fuyutsuki "she's not dead". Rei is wheeled into the room in a hospital bed, covered with bandages and clearly in pain. The audience recognizes her as the girl Shinji saw on the street, but in her condition how could this be?. There is no sign that Shinji recognizes her as well.

Sachiel has now zeroed in and has begun to attack Nerv headquarters. The room shakes and Rei tumbles to the floor. As Shinji moves to help her a bank of floodlights falls straight towards him! Suddenly, Unit-01's arm moves to deflect the lights. Ritsuko is astounded because the Eva shouldn't have been able to move at all with no entry plug inserted. Misato realizes that the Eva had moved to protect Shinji thus they have a chance to succeed after all. Cradling Rei in his arms, Shinji sees her blood on his hand, and is finally shamed into piloting. The episode ends with Shinji being launched into battle. Gendo's smile indicates his supreme confidence.

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