FGC:Episode 01 Cut 289

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FGC:Episode 01 Cut cut289

Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

Shinji turns around and looks at

the Eva. He looks back at Rei.

OMF: Ominous shot here. He doesn't know why she's injured, but he glances back at the eva anyway. Perhaps even at this early stage, Shinji suspects much more than he lets on, even to himself.

Reichu: I always thought of the glance more as Shinji weighing his options, as itwere. Considering what happens right after this, I think this is a more logical assessment.

Keisuke-kun: And now for the creepiest addition to Renewal so far: As Shinji looks at EVA-01, the eyes light back up. (I don't know about Shinji, but that would creep meout.) This might indicate that EVA-01 now knows that Shinji will pilot.

Reichu: The representation of the Evas' eyes as stylized white (or yellow,or red) slits has long been a pet peeve of mine. Realistically, you'd be able to see EVA-01's actual big, green eyes through the apertures in the helmet (unless shadow completely obscured them). Having the white slits = “eyes open”, darkness = “eyes closed” doesn't really make much sense. The actual eyes only glow when the Evas go into ‘overdrive’, not when they're just sitting around in their Cages.(The transformation of the Evangelion eye from an ordinary to bioluminescent state is actually depicted much later on.)

felineki: I had thought that perhaps the "slits" were actually lenses that covered the eyes (somewhat like the eyes on a traditional mecha), and one scene in the next episode seems to support this — but many more go against it, so just forget I said anything. ::p

Reichu: Yamashita's workpretty much derails this idea, as well — in particular, the [../images_illos/yamashita_eva01-helmet.jpg painting of Shogouki's hand holding her helmet] . While her design here is not the final one, it's damn close, and one can clearly see an opening for the eye. The eye slits are obviously a matter of stylization — they're not SUPPOSED to be a realistic representation. IMO, though,it would have been so much cooler to see this big green eye open up and stare at Shinji here. But either way, if I were Shinji I don't think I would have turned away so quickly.