FGC:Episode 08 Scene 02

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Well, he looks kind of dull

Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary



Toji, springing to his feet, with a hand print on his cheek. Shinji's cheek, too, bears a hand print. Kensuke, crying, remains holding up his video camera. When he lowers his camera, a circular bruise is seen to cover his eye.

TOJI:“What did you do that for?!”


A domineering Asuka.

ASUKA:“That's the viewing fee! It's a small price to pay!”


Toji, with Asuka's legs in the foreground. With deliberateness, he takes hold of his tracksuit.

Well then, I'll show you mine...”


Asuka, with Toji's legs in the foreground. He pulls down the bottom of his tracksuit!
He uses too much force, and his underwear slides down as well. Asuka's face contorts seeing this.

TOJI:“...as well!”


thewayneiac: It totally got past me that he was just trying to show her his underpants and messed up.

Sailor Star Dust: I never realized, either!

silvermoonlight: I remember watching this and cracking up with laughter at Toji. "Its overpriced, here's your change." Though this clearly ends really badly for him, it's an interesting character moment in that Asuka has no time for anyone's crap even if she's not being so great herself in her attitude. It also hints that there is a violent undercurrent which is not controlled and dangerous as her mental state is very off kilter, but it's very well hidden from the viewer who might read this on first viewing as ego and unkindness.


Kensuke and Shinji instinctively avert their eyes from the horrible sight. Misato's expression remains unchanged.



ASUKA (OFF):“What the hell are you doing?!”

SE <<SLAPP!!>>

UrsusArctos: Is Misato enjoying this?

Line: LMAO Shinji facepalm face ! This whole sequence, even Toji's stupidity is hilarious, honestly! Did you know I actually used this "Shinji facepalm" face as a profile pic for facebook dating *wink* ? Yeah...


Toji, defeated, with hand prints on both cheeks. His eyes follow Asuka.

SEELE-01: My first impression of those two was that they were gonna end up in a "will-they-won't-they?" kinda thing.

Kendrix: Shinji seems like the least-likely candidate, right? The other two look way more like traditional shonen protagonists. Touji is like the rough, cocky type who is still honest & protective when it counts, & Kensuke is the ‘big dreamer’ type, bearing a striking resemblance to Jean from Nadia.

Asuka enters the frame, in front of Toji.

ASUKA (OFF pre.):“So,
which one is the famous Third Child?”

She looks dubiously at Toji.

ASUKA:“Don't tell me the one who just now...”

Toji hangs his head dejectedly.


Misato uses her eyes to indicate Shinji.

MISATO:“No. It's this one.”

Asuka peers at him suspiciously.

(Sadly) Unimpressive.”

Shinji takes offense.

UrsusArctos: Interestingly, Shinji seems grumpier in the "missing" cut that follows this. Also, pay attention to the beautiful background with its accurately rendered fighters, deck edge fire nozzles and aircraft tractor. Be-yoo-tee-ful!

Kendrix: I think it is very important to take note here that THIS is her first impression: She had zero interest in Shinji either as a boy or as a human being until she heard “forty percent”, very much playing into his personal fear that everyone who gives him attention in any way only does it because of his job.

Also, no one likes to be dissed & rejected by an attractive out-of-your-league member of your preferred gender(s). (especially not people with a particular fear of rejection) – though this is something that a mature individual should be able to take & accept without resorting to cracking people's necks. Also worth observing is how Shinji actually gets outwardly pissed here (a tendency that continues into the next episode), continuing how he’s started voicing more outward complaints now that he’s in a more relaxed place. Prologue Arc Shinji would just have lain down & took it. Ironically, he has kind of returned to that by ep 12 in the specific case of Asuka because he starts caring about her opinion/ wanting to get along with her rather than seeing her as an enemy.

The ‘sadly’ is also interesting – consider the flashback in ep 22 where Kaji tries to get her hyped about all the boys she’ll meet in Japan & how the new pilot is a boy. Perhaps she did give it some thought after all.

Missing number.
UrsusArctos: Not actually "missing". Cuts 41 and 42 in the storyboard were merged into 41, and this became cut 42. The number 44 was retained for the next cut, leaving 43 unused as a consequence.


A hand holding Misato's ID card (it has a bad picture, with her eyes half-closed and her nose upturned).
The places where her body dimensions, weight, and age are indicated have been blacked out with magic marker.
The card is removed from the frame to reveal Misato and the children.

CAPTAIN (OFF to begin with):“Why, I thought you were a young woman leading a group of Boy Scouts, but...”

MAN 1:“All ships change course, ten degrees starboard.”

MAN 2:“Change course, ten degrees starboard, understood.”

UrsusArctos: Why in the name of perversion does Misato's ID card have her measurements on it?

Mr. Tines: Biometric IDs were so primitive back then.

Javi2541997: Misato looks like she doesn't care at all in the ID photo even if she is actually a good competent commander.

Kendrix: Toji is looking… distracted here. This episode in general has tons of funny BG expressions.


Low angle shot of the overbearing captain and his first officer. He speaks with undisguised sarcasm.

CAPTAIN (ON):“...apparently, that was my mistake.”

MAN (RADIO):“Roger. Starboard.”

UrsusArctos: If I'm not mistaken, these two grumpy officers are a direct reference to Captain Mayfield and Executive Officer Holland of the USS Abraham in Nadia. They're never named, however, and have different voice actors.

Kendrix: The “proud obstructionist old fashioned soldiers who want to solve everything with guns” are of course a common Sci-Fi trope (In Nadia you also see many examples of the military only making problems), but they’re also here to create a wider, realistic world where other organizations/the older order would have a response to the advent of unprecedented things like the Evangelions – the average joe soldier would not understand why there needs to be a weapon with an AT field.


Misato, brimming with confidence.
She calmly deflects his sarcastic remark.

MISATO:“I'm grateful for your understanding. Captain.”

MAN 1:“Starboard.”


Unwilling to be defeated, the captain continues to speak sarcastically.

CAPTAIN:“Oh no, it is I who should be grateful for having the opportunity to look after children again, after all these years.”

Kensuke passes across the foreground, out of focus.
He is gleefully shooting video footage.

MAN (RADIO):“Starboard.”

Zusuchan: I love the detail of Kensuke blocking the view, it makes his enthusiasm about the whole thing quite clear. (And going forward to muddier waters, it also could show just how easily he can block out things and details that would challenge his optimism for certain things-his continued wish to pilot an Eva even after his short ride with Shinji in ep.3 should show you he can be rather willfully ignorant sometimes, which I feel him ignoring the "tense" confrontation between the captain and Misato fits in with.)


Misato takes a document out of a clear file case and presents it.

MISATO:“Thank you for your assistance in transporting Unit-02. This document contains the specifications for the emergency power supply socket.”

MAN 1:“Right the helm.”

MAN (RADIO):“Helm amidships.”


He looks at the document and then lowers it.

CAPTAIN:“(No mouth movement) *Hmph*
(With mouth movement) To begin with, I haven't heard of any requests to mobilize that doll while we're at sea.”

MAN:“Right the helm, helm amidships.”


Smiling calmly, she again deflects his remark.

MISATO:“May I ask you to understand it as a provision in case of an emergency situation?”

MAN (RADIO):“Right the helm, helm amidships, understood.”


The captain and first officer continue to be sarcastic.

CAPTAIN:“As a provision in case of emergency, we, the Pacific Fleet, are escorting it. Since when, I wonder, did the U.N. forces transition to become a delivery service?”

MAN (RADIO):“No activity on the enemy surveillance radar.”

Kendrix: We’re inclined to root for Misato since she’s our protagonist and a cool lady cussing out an old grumpy soldier guy, but having any dubious organization acting above the law is a very legitimate concern & probably meant to be a red flag.

Of course, she is absolutely right in that she knows a lot that these guys do not, but though the last episode already gave her some reason to be suspicious, she’s still gleefully flaunting her organization's special position when it is convenient for her & gets her closer to sweet sweet vengeance. It will still be a while until she gets proper suspicious from ep 15 onwards.

Kensuke passes across the foreground.

FIRST OFFICER:“I remember it being after a certain organization was established.”

WOMAN (RADIO):“Nothing unusual on sonar.”


Long shot of the bridge.
Outside the windows are silhouettes of the great fleet.

CAPTAIN:“A very fine escort for the transporting of a single toy. The entire might of the Pacific Fleet.”

MISATO (BACK):“When you consider the importance of Eva, it isn't enough.”

MAN:“Roger. Continue surveillance. Strengthen surveillance activity.”

UrsusArctos: The fleet was maintaining radar and sonar surveillance throughout - even accounting for ATF voodoo, the noises made by something Gaghiel's size moving that fast through the water should have been impossible to miss.


Misato, with the captain in the foreground.
Smiling, she presents a document.

MISATO:“Well, if you would sign this document.”

MAN:“All ships, maintain present course and speed.”

Line: Duh Misato, your face is so attractive here *sarcasm*. Got Nadia feel from these two guys and this boat, indeed...

CAPTAIN (BACK):“Not yet. (Pan begins) Unit-02 and its pilot have been entrusted to this fleet by the Third Branch in Germany. (Pan ends) I will not permit you to just do what you please.”

Having been flatly rejected, Misato's smile remains unnaturally in place.

At the end of the cut, Shinji looks towards Misato.

MAN (RADIO):“Roger. All ships, maintain present course and speed.”


Shinji's perspective. A change in Misato's facial expression, seen from behind. It becomes firm.

MISATO:“Then, when will you transfer them to us?”

CAPTAIN (OFF):“After we've unloaded in New Yokosuka.”

MAN (RADIO):“Report from the weather section. Air pressure to remain stable until 18:00 today. Weather will continue to be clear.”


The captain and first officer.

CAPTAIN:“At sea, we have jurisdiction. You will follow our orders without argument.”

MAN (RADIO):“Current air temperature is 32 degrees.”

thewayneiac: Fahrenheit or Celsius?

UrsusArctos: Quite clearly Celsius, given how warm and sunny it is outside. Asuka wouldn't be wearing a sundress at 32 Fahrenheit (it's the freezing point of water, after all). Japan uses Celsius and an international fleet would likely use Celsius as well.


Misato snaps shut her file case.

MISATO:“I understand.”

SE <<Snap>>

UrsusArctos: Misato exudes some of the quiet formality from the previous episode. But now, Shinji, you'll see why Misato is nothing like Ritsuko...

Shinji is astonished, Toji is enchanted, and Asuka is as she normally is.

MISATO:“However, do not forget that we, NERV, possess overriding authority in the case of an emergency situation.”

TOJI:“(Quietly) She's sooo cool.”

SHINJI:“(Quietly) It's as if she was Ritsuko-san...”

KAJI (OFF):“As gallant as ever.”

At the sound of Kaji's voice, Asuka turns to the right side of the screen and cries out happily.

ASUKA:“Kaji-senpai! ♡”

Misato turns in the direction of the voice with a sense of foreboding.

MAN:“Maintain course. Steady ahead.”


Kaji, standing in the hatch.
He is giving a slight wave.

MAN (RADIO):“Surface surveillance radar OK.”

Kendrix: It’s Bames Jond!


Misato's eyes grow wide with shock.


Line: Poor Misato has her daily bowl full of humiliations and cartoonish faces, here.

UrsusArctos: Yes, and we're just beginning with the humiliations and the cartoonish faces! Misato's facial muscles will get a thorough workout by the end of this episode.

Kendrix: I think most of us understood instinctively from that reaction that he’s her ex boyfriend.

Flustered, Misato's breath catches in her throat.

CAPTAIN (OFF):“Kaji-kun, I don't recall inviting you to the bridge.”

KAJI (OFF):“Sorry about that.”

MAN (RADIO):“No obstacles on course for the next 50 miles.”


The clear file case falls to the floor.

SE <<Plunk>>

MAN:“5th Squadron taking up surveillance duties as scheduled. Code E. Departure is on schedule. Make the preparations for takeoff. Quickly!”


The passage outside of the bridge.

MISATO:“Well then, if you'll excuse us.
I leave it to you to transport everything as far as New Yokosuka.
(Misato's dialogue is to overlap with the dialogue of the other two)

TOJI:“This is a date?”

Kensuke is highly excited.

KENSUKE:“Awesome, it's too awesome!”

WOMAN (RADIO):“Flight control room, roger.”

UrsusArctos: The staircase outside the bridge island is too large and it's plainly enclosed - also, what is Kensuke filming and calling awesome? All he should be seeing is a blank wall.

Kendrix: Behold another example of Anno’s love for unusual angles.


The captain with the first officer, hurling abuse.

CAPTAIN:“Shit! Are kids going to save the Earth?”

FIRST OFFICER:“I guess times have changed.
I hear that Congress has also placed its hope in that robot.”

The two look out the window.

CAPTAIN:“In that toy? Damned idiots.”

MAN (RADIO):“Hangar deck, roger.”

Kendrix: More “political”/ “serious” talk, of money, budgets etc. which often stall real-life efforts to save the world from climate change, disease, poverty etc. - which is not just realistic but adds to creating a “serious” vibe, even in one of the wackier episodes. These two chiefly exist to be an annoying obstacle, but on they still have something of a semi-legit gripe that their once secure & prestigious employment is becoming more & more obsolete.


CAPTAIN (OFF):“If they've got that kind of money, they should be sending it our way. (Bleeds into the next cut)

A tanker seen outside the window.

MAN (RADIO):“Flight deck, roger.”


Shift to close angle of the tanker.
There is a covering spread out across the deck.

SE <<Sound of waves>>


Black screen.
As the camera slowly tracks up, something like the face of an Angel becomes visible.

SE <<No sound, then Angel sound effects
(like the processed sound of a human breathing)>>

MISATO (OFF):“What are you doing here?!”

UrsusArctos: Having those red lights emerge in the inky darkness is pretty cool.

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