FGC:Episode 08 Scene 01

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Asuka arrives in Japan

Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


The camera pans away out of the darkness.
Close-up of Ikari's mouth in silhouette.
He is speaking on the telephone.

IKARI (OFF to begin with):“Correct. I have already reached agreement on that issue with the committee.”

UrsusArctos: This episode starts out like Episode 07, with Gendo making a call to a mysterious party. Unlike the previous episode, there's no establishing cut of the Nerv pyramid, documents or the office. This is a profile shot with bluer/grayer lighting than the similarly sinister shot from last time.

Line: Bruh, Gendo you're such a sinister boy!

Mr. Tines: Driving it home that Gendo has an agenda that goes beyond merely clearing up the monster of the week menace.


The Commander's Office.

IKARI:“The cargo departed Sasebo yesterday, and is currently traversing the Pacific Ocean.”

UrsusArctos: We usually see Gendo from the front instead of sideways-on like this. The absence of struts in the window and the gray-blue lighting give this a very abstract appearance, and Gendo, the desk and chair form a silhouette vaguely like a ship sailing on a misty ocean, perhaps a hint at where this episode is going.

thewayneiac: Um... Sasebo is in Japan; is it just traveling along the coast?

UrsusArctos: Sasebo is in Kyushu near Nagasaki, while Hakone is in the main island of Honshu. It would make sense for the convoy to be traveling just off the coast. However, if it left Sasebo the previous day, it's plainly going slow for it to not have already reached the Tokyo Bay area.

Kendrix: After doing the elaborate establishing shots once or twice it is now enough to show just one familiar image to activate preexisting associations; Places & the typical scenes/ moods in them gradually become familiar.


Black screen.

SE <<Sound of a helicopter>>


A river in a mountain valley. The camera moves from the upper to the middle reaches. A U.N. helicopter flies past the mouth of the river and out towards the sea.

SE <<Bakbakbakbakbakbak>>

KENSUKE (OFF):“An Mi-55d transport helicopter!!”

UrsusArctos: There is no Mi-55D design in real life. This appears to be entirely fictitious, or based off an concept design that was never built (hard to say from this look at the helo). Note the "UNAF" markings on the stub wings. We've seen this overhead view of a helicopter before, in Episode 06.

Kendrix: They put enough detail into all this that we can assume that Kensuke's reaction here speaks for much of the Gainax team.


Kensuke, filming with a portable video camera, with one of the helicopter's front seats in the foreground.

KENSUKE:“If not for this I would never have had a chance to fly on one. Man! It's important to have friends, right, Shinji?”

Kendrix: And by this point, he’s gotten to 1st name basis with Kensuke.

I presume Rei wasn’t invited because someone had to stand guard at headquarters.

UrsusArctos: Rei's complete absence in this episode is conspicuous, since she gets neither a mention nor a 2-second cameo like in the previous episode. Rei hasn't had a synchronization test with Eva-01 and Eva-00 doesn't reappear until Episode 11, so Rei can't stand guard by staying back. My guess is either Gendo and Ritsuko refused to let Rei leave Tokyo-3 because they wanted tests on her, Gendo didn't want to risk having Rei leave his sphere of influence/protection, didn't want her to be the spare pilot when he expected an Angel battle (see Cut134 for more), or that Rei simply refused an invitation to come along.

Kensuke turns around to look at Shinji, seeking his agreement, but Shinji can't hear him over the sound of the helicopter.


MISATO:“I was thinking that...”


The heads of Misato and the pilot, the former smiling, with the three stooges — Toji, Shinji, and Kensuke — in the foreground.

MISATO:“...it's suffocating being surrounded by the same mountains day after day, and, since it's a Sunday, why not invite you out on a date?”

UrsusArctos: Just like Misato to call it a "date"!

Kendrix: Do I get this right? Even the script calls them "baka trio"?


Toji leans forward, pushing Shinji aside.

TOJI:“(Leaning forward) Eh! So today is a real date with Misato-san?
I bought this cap just for today! Misato-san!”

SHINJI:“So, where are we going?”

Line: This whole sequence feels so good every time I watch it! I mean it's so good to see them out of their usual town, taking an apparently carefree airplane trip~~ This whole episode felt heartfelt for the introduction of such a tragic character, honestly.

Kendrix: Very much "putting on a show for the kids". Though the fact that Shinji either thought to bring them, or that Misato saw enough of them to think of bringing them also helps to establish a sense of how their friendship has progressed, as well as how Shinji himself has complete the transformation from his prologue arc self. Misato must be wanting to help Shinji keep the new friendos.


Misato, with a friendly demeanor.
She cuts in where the pilot would speak.

MISATO:“We'll be cruising the Pacific Ocean on a luxurious ship. ♡”


A great fleet becomes visible through a gap in the clouds.

KENSUKE (OFF):“Ohh — !!”

UrsusArctos: I wonder if this shot of a fleet extending to the horizon is a reference to The Battle of Okinawa, Anno's favorite movie? The American fleet at Okinawa had more ships than the Japanese had aircraft, and it was truly a terrifying sight for the island's garrison to behold.


The three boys looking down. Kensuke is looking through his portable video camera, enthralled.

KENSUKE:“Five aircraft carriers and four battleships! A great fleet!!
Truly, it's important to have friends.”

Shinji and Toji are disappointed.

TOJI:“This is the luxurious ship?”

UrsusArctos: If I were in Kensuke's place, I would be geeking out too! Four battleships and five carriers in one formation...nobody does that any longer! (For good reason, too).


The great fleet sailing on the sea, with the helicopter in the foreground.

KENSUKE (OFF):“She's downright gorgeous!
After all, that's the pride of the U.N. forces, the full-scale aircraft carrier...”

SE <<Sound of the helicopter - Bakbakbakbakbak>>

UrsusArctos: Lovely overhead shot showing the ships in a parade formation, designed to impress anyone taking photographs or video - in this case, Kensuke. Of course, out in the open ocean they wouldn't be cruising this close to one another, that would bring a serious risk of collision and overly concentrate naval assets that are meant to function dispersed from one another kilometers apart. (Even from an in-universe perspective, it puts them at increased risk of damage. It'd take just one N2 mine, for instance, to wipe them all out). I wouldn't be surprised if this idiotically dense formation made things worse when the inevitable Angel-related mayhem began.

thewayneiac: It's an entertainment thing; sort of the same principle as when they show the asteroid belt so densely packed that you could almost hop from one to another, when the average distance between asteroids is actually about 100,000 miles.


The group seen through the canopy of the helicopter.

KENSUKE (ON):“..."Over the Rainbow"!”

SHINJI:“It's huge.”

MISATO:“That relic is doing well to stay afloat.”

The sun and the blue sky are reflected in the glass.

KENSUKE:“No, no —”

Javi2541997: You can see the sun reflected in the glass. This is Asuka's episode. Probably the first reference about her.

Kendrix: What this sequence also does is add a bit of worldbuilding of how the world has changed after second impact with NERV ending up as mankind's line of defense, continuing on the motif of rivalry between nerve & traditional military already sort of hinted in eps 1 and 4...

Though Misato has moments of worrying about her organization's ethics and overreach at this point she's quite arrogant & unconcerned about just laughing off the military dudes.

You could draw some parallel to how conventional military seemed to be becoming obsolete in a world where sources of chaos & instability were often non-government organizations that you couldn't crush with standard warfare (that was a prominent thought in the 90s and 00s anyways, these days war seems back in full force as a new rise of nationalistic selfishness weakened global institutions, if they were ever good for anything in the first place with all the power imbalances...)


The perspective from Kensuke's video camera. The aircraft carrier, drawing nearer. On the deck, Sukhoi fighters lined up close to one another.

KENSUKE (OFF):“It's a vintage, pre-Second Impact model.”

UrsusArctos: For the record, Over the Rainbow is actually the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman, the last ship of the class to be built before 2000 and the newest carrier in the US Navy at the time the show was produced.

thewayneiac: In addition to the Wizard of Oz reference, Naming the ship "Over the Rainbow" is probably a tribute to Episode 133 of Urusei Yatsura, wherein "Operation Over the Rainbow" is launched from a secret underground base belonging to a character named Asuka Mizunokouji. The association of the Name "Asuka" with the phrase "Over the Rainbow" is not likely to be a coincidence.


The view from a pair of binoculars. The helicopter, landing. Lights flash on the helicopter.

CAPTAIN (OFF):“*Humph* What nerve.”

SE <<Noise within the ship>>

Sailor Star Dust: Fellow Initial D fans should recognize our Over the Rainbow captain (seiyuu Tomomichi Nishimura) as Yuuichi Tachibana, Bunta's friend/the gas station owner!


The bridge of the Over the Rainbow.
The captain, looking from the captain's seat through a pair of binoculars, and the first officer.

CAPTAIN (OFF):“They've brought the socket for that toy.”

Kendrix: It doesn't help that the military types act like, well, military types.

This is something that's also a motif in Nadia, the coexistence of the admiration/fascination for tech with the knowledge of their bloody purpose & the corrupt hands that often wield it.

The military dudes immediately come off as jerks stuck in the past, especially with how dismissive they are of new technology that is the only thing doing the trick for this new thread, but on the other hand you can't help but feel a bit sorry for how they've become "obsolete".


The two, the captain and first officer, looking on. The captain speaks sarcastically, spitting out his words.

CAPTAIN:“This is a child's errand.”

SE <<Weak radio sounds etc. OFF>>

UrsusArctos: It's evident throughout the show that the Captain of the carrier is also in charge of the fleet. In real life, there would be a Rear Admiral on board to command this extended fleet.


The helicopter, attempting to land on the ship.

SE <<Sound of the helicopter - bakbakbakbak>>

A girl (Asuka) stands upon a projection of the bridge.

MAN:“Attention flight deck. A U.N. helicopter is landing.”

Kendrix: And here she is, the last of our four main characters, the third of the main ladies and nr. 3 out of four love interests. Like most of the characters she has a story entirely of her own, but at the same time is a symbol in Shinji's story and the web of contrasts and symbols of the story as a whole.
Additional Commentary  

Kendrix: As far as Asuka is concerned, that's first and foremost "difficulty of coexistence" and "eros".

1. Eros - as in sexual drive, puberty, lust, sex etc. but also vitality, excitement self-preservation, strength, dominance... something Shinji isn't always really in touch with. You know how in Norse Mythology there is a reverse Adam and Eve, the last two humans leftover after ragnarök, the first in the new world - the man's name is "life" and the woman's is "desire to live". (Editor's note: The names here are reversed. The woman's name, Líf, means "life", the man's name, Lífþrasir means "Líf's lover; lover of life; desire to live.")
This is probably why she comes in somewhat later compared to the rest of the main cast, as a "foreigner". She represents the excitement of new, strange feelings, and perhaps the fallacy that the grass is greener & the girls hotter on the other side of the fence.

2. Difficulty in coexistence - At this point we'd already introduced the motif of the hedgehog's dillema as a theme, and almost all the characters have some difficulties connecting somehow, but Asuka is sort of the distilled avatar of that, leading up to that scene in EoE where she becomes a standing for all people difficulty. The most difficult possible person for Shinji to get along with. For this ep and half of the next it stays pretty straightforward: She's just generally abrasive and fastidious, and they are forced to work together. She's the exact clashing opposite of Shinji, someone who wants to be a pilot, loud and assertive where he is meek and quiet.
Note later how in a lot of his inner dialogues, she is sort of the voice of self-hate, or of what youtube philosopher Natalie Wynn has termed "masochistic ontology"("The truth sometimes hurtshurts, so I, a person with low self esteem, conclude that what hurts must be the truth") Actually, the outer dialogues too, she is constantly dissing Shinji and pointing out his shortcomings. She talks over him, she calls him an idiot, she takes offense at his successes.
But if she stayed as simply a hostile rival, that would be too easy in a sense, let him tune her out when his great weakness is worrying too much about how people think about him.
So as the story advanced we'd get more into two aspects of human conflict that Anno finds especially salient - a) the frustration with needing ppl & getting attached to them in the first place (eventually they will lust for each other 'cause they're horny, stick together because they're lonely, try to get each other's attention etc.) and b) the possibility of you yourself hurting others, by your mere existence (the higher synch ratio etc.) or because of mistakes (feeling he couldn't help/save her)
They are people who reacted very differently to similar sort of adversity; From Shinji’s side that inherently calls into question his view that he is “forced” to be as he is. From her side, he’s difficult in part cause he reminds her of the parts of herself that she hates or doesn’t want to admit, particularly that very needyness and yearning for approval.
There's many ppl - especially ppl who skipped EoTV - that overlook the big, significant plot element and in a sense adopt Shinji's framing that he's to blame for everything, when the whole point is that this is his framing.

The three main ladies/ love interests are each designed to hit universal appeals that we all have but also universal follies.
Ie, this isn't a "who will win" soap opera but it's about being torn between the various forces that act on the human psyche, competing drives, contradictory wishes. - see in eps 18 and 25' about the inability to completely grasp another or fit them into a simple role or archetype. (ie, Misato is unlikely to be a viable option but the "hot teacher"/"celebrity crush" experience is one most of us have growing up)
I know there's people who see this differently but as I see it it's important to stress the complexity here, that neither of them are "all good" or "all bad", Sadamoto describes Asuka and Rei as tying and yang once while discussing their designs.
They're indeed opposites even in their color palettes (red hair blue eyes vs blue hair, red eyes),
Asuka is a conventionally attractive, loud, confident, attention grabbing person
Rei is unkempt, quiet, sad with little sense of presence

Asuka Rei
Sun Moon
extrovert introvert
Body/instinct Spirit/mind
lust/physical love spiritual/idealized love
"Eros" "thanatos"
vitality sterility/ lifelessness
resistance resignation,
defiance fatalism
self-interest abnegation
(both selfishness (both selflessness and self-abandonment) and positive self-assertion)
excitement, novelty,risk calm, security, peaceful
Pain in interaction Hope of Understanding
Misunderstanding Communication
artifice genuine
tangible, material ephemeral, ethereal
life death
I would not at all add feeling/intellect however - that's Misato & Ritsuko (as well as optimist/cynic)

Another thing worth noting is that Asuka can be seen as a twist on the slot, role & development of “The Rival” – Many Shonen protagonists have this one teammate who is super competent, better than them at everything, often more popular, rich or extremly gifted, who often has a similar backstory tragedy that they deal with differently, an opposite personality and a contemptuous disdain for the hero that morphs into envy when the MC eventually beats them.
Except that a) she is an attractive girl, which makes her disses hurt in a more personal way & while she gets some slapstick kick moments her treatment of Shinji is played very seriously especially later on… and b) Shinji does not act like a rival at all. He’s too conflict-averse to compete, and he certainly does not pull a Naruto and try outdo her with plucky optimism or hard work (he hates being good at piloting, & his gifts are probably entirely down to his particular neuroses and his mother’s plot, not any work or control on his part)
The gist of the story ends up thinking that Asuka thought she was in a fair skill based meritocratic system, but she’s not – she’s an exploited child soldier, a tool being worked until she breaks, and the world she lives in is uncaring and unfair.
Probably very relatable to many who had “stage parents” or were considered “gifted children” & then had this trauma of building their whole identity around that when they were just big fishes in small ponds being failed by the system. Eventually there’s always a bigger fish, someone with an unfair advantage that you cant just beat with hard work...


Asuka looking below.
She is in silhouette. Her face cannot be seen.

SE <<Bakbakbakbak>>

UrsusArctos: This is our first in-series look at Asuka, and true to form, she's standing high up in the ship with the sun behind her. We'll get to see Asuka associated with the sun on a fairly regular basis.

Line: Her figure is framed so over the top threateningly for a indeed, really fierce head, but frail and childish (I'm not saying it in the bad way you think.) character... The last time I saw this "shadow framing menacingly unknown character" was in 90s anime "for kids" like Pokemon or Cardcaptor Sakura. Why Anno, why?

Zusuchan: This is a very traditional "masculine hero" shot, what with the angle from down below and the shadowed silhouette. Asuka is indeed a rather masculine character.

silvermoonlight: I've always loved this shot in how the camera pans around Asuka though you never see her face. I loved the use of sunbeams floating down as it symbolizes a divine presence which Asuka grows to be, a force of nature in the early episodes.

Kendrix: Note how the sun is framed behind her as a contrast to Rei's moon silhouette thing. Though it's definitely also a parody of an "ominous" introduction like "ooo, trouble."


The helicopter, having landed.
The rotor has stopped.
Deck personnel are going about their work.

SE <<Sound of the engine stopping — hyuuuuuuuuuu>>



The overwhelming exterior of the bridge.

KENSUKE (OFF):“Ohh — !! Awesome, awesome!”

Kendrix: A lot of love put into those detailed backgrounds here, no wonder Kensuke is all flashed with excitement.


A line of fighter aircraft.

KENSUKE (OFF):“Awesome! Awesome!”

UrsusArctos: Awesome is right. Those are Russian Su-33 naval fighters, navalized versions of the mighty Su-27. Only 36 were built, if I remember right, and they're being replaced now due to age. There are a couple of goofs in the mouth-wateringly beautiful detailing, though - first off, the wings and tailplanes should be folded up on deck because those Sukhois are huge. Also, there is no US-style catapult attachment on the nose gear, which is essential if they have to be operated from an American carrier. The tractor that's towing the Sukhoi could be either a US A/S32A-31A or the older MD-3 model, likely the latter - again, superbly reproduced!


A battery of radar antennas.

KENSUKE (OFF):“Awesome!!”


The majestic fleet, comprised of a mixture of forces from the former Eastern and Western Blocs.

If you're a man, this has to move you to tears!”

UrsusArctos: You got that right, Kensuke. You got that right.

Kendrix: It's fascinating how that was still worth mentioning, because the cold war was so recent then.


Kensuke directs his camera all around in a state of excitement.

KENSUKE (OFF):“(Adlib. In any case he is offering praise.)

The deck crew are smiling in disbelief.

Javi2541997: The only kid who really enjoys the scene is Kensuke. I wonder why he never got a chance in an Eva.

UrsusArctos: As events transpire, Kensuke not being in an Eva might be a very good thing. The script asks for the voice actor to ad-lib, so Kensuke's over-the-top "Sugoi! Sugoi! Sugoi!" is all Tetsuya Iwanaga's idea, and it fits the scene and Kensuke's character perfectly.

Kendrix: Let's appreciate the one black soldier in the background. As in ep 17 Shinji doesn't quite share the enthusiasm of his friends. He sort of had to be more serious living mostly on his own with only adults & no family to be silly around. Note also the explanation for Misato's expression.

Toji's hat is carried off by the wind. Toji chases after it.

Hold it~~~”

Shinji stretches, looking bored.


Misato looks embarrassed.


The hat, having fallen to the deck, is tumbling around.

TOJI (p.d. - OFF):“Damn it~~”

UrsusArctos: When I saw that five-pointed-star-shaped-thing on the flight deck, I decided to look up the fire protection system that carriers use. And guess what, that's a very accurately drawn US Navy wash-down nozzle that sits flush with the flight deck. It's exactly the kind of thing that you'd expect to find unobtrusively tucked away in the flight deck of a real aircraft carrier. The attention to detail for a background object seen for a second or two is extraordinary!

Alaska Slim: I don't fully get this love Mr. Anno has for colliding American and Russian tech, but he had been doing it for a while by this point. Royal Space Force features a rocket that's a clear mishmash of a Soyuz and a Saturn V.

Zusuchan: For those not in the know, Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honnêamise is a 1987 anime on which Anno worked as an animator. The film was the debut work of Studio Gainax and you can find echoes of it in Anno's later works.

UrsusArctos: Royal Space Force also lavishes a level of detail around its machines that verges on the jaw-dropping. And Slim - the rocket you refer to is actually a proto-Soyuz Vostok with a Saturn V-style cryogenic (liquid hydrogen and oxygen) upper stage.


Toji chasing after it.

TOJI:“Stop, stop already!”


The hat, tumbling around, gets caught on Asuka's foot and stops.


Toji, with a relieved expression.



Her foot stomps, without hesitating, upon the hat.

SE <<Stomp!>>

Line: Unnecessarily mean, Asuka. I'm not saying Toji is justified in what he does next, but it's no wonder that's people will attack you if you provoke them first like kids at playgrounds.

Zusuchan: This act of aggression and dominance is in keeping with Asuka's masculine tendencies and of course, her constant need to show to others and prove for herself her greatness. Note that she's already doing that the moment she can, with complete strangers, just so as to assert herself.

Kendrix: Easy and efficient way to inform us that this character is mean. There's even that little moment of relief where Toji dares to think that his hat is saved & could easily have liked her for that, but then, scrunch, for no good reason (except maybe Kaji's comment about finding some boy her age the day before) Toji will give her reason to dislike him in about five seconds, but at this point she had none.


Toji, stunned.


He clenches his hands, which he had started to reach out with thinking to pick up his hat, into fists.
Toji feels a sudden burst of anger.

ASUKA (OFF):“(German accent) Hello, Misato, how have you been?”

UrsusArctos: Good thing that they never followed through with the "German accent" script direction. Considering how iconic Yuko Miyamura's portrayal of Asuka is, it's hard to imagine her emote with nearly as much of an impact if she had to bother with putting on an accent at the same time.

Hikikoboshi: By the way, the Latin American dubs (three in total: Locomotion, Animax and Netflix) kept a different accent for Asuka throughout the whole series, including the “serious” scenes. It sounds rather absurd at first, but you get used to it.


Misato and Shinji, with the back of Asuka's head in the foreground. Kensuke is absorbed in recording video. There is a strong wind.

MISATO:“Fine. And you, you've gotten taller, haven't you?”

ASUKA (BACK):“Yeah.”

dzzthink: Misato's remark about Asuka's height hints that they may have known each other at some earlier point. This may have been when Asuka was a major contender for being an Eva pilot and Misato oversaw some of her initial induction/training.

UrsusArctos: It's implicit in the first two episodes that Misato had just arrived in Tokyo-3 and the cold open of Episode 22' plainly states that Asuka had been living with Misato in Germany. So they don't just know each other, Asuka was Misato's ward for what's implied to be a significant period of time.


Toji's hands, trying to remove his hat.

ASUKA (OFF):“I've developed into a woman in other places as well.”

He pulls hard at it, but he can't remove it.

TOJI (OFF):“(Adlib)

Line: *Sigh*....Give him his hat back already, Asuka!

Kendrix: I must strongly content the notion that assertiveness is in any way masculine - indeed the pointy ladies' shoes, sundress and fancy long hair strike me very much as performed 'classical' femininity, just the spunky hot vixen version of it - as she lampshades here herself by mentioning her recently acquired curves.

Additional Commentary  

Kendrix: If you saw this the first time it's just an ordinary pretty outfit and not that far beyond typical teen antics (at least not as immediately alarming as the flashback in the start of ep 22 would have been) but in hindsight both the outfit and her line here fit into this pattern that she has of asserting her maturity, independence and "adulthood" from a place of deeply juvenile counterdependence... and it's very much an external idea of "mature", one that starts with the surface & the appearance of it because it's there to be recognized. (In that sense Asuka & Misato are basically two sides of the same coin)

Which isn't meant as a gotcha by any means, but something we should have the deepest empathy for, as such a thing is always a desperate attempt to assert & prove one's very existence separate from whatever your parents thought you would turn out like, an attempt at gaining the internal locus of control that is so vital to human sanity but so hard to attain in our global, capitalistic society especially for young people (but especially in Asuka's particular case, given her specific backstory - I'm struck again by what a good & juicy metaphor it is for that exact feeling)

At this stage between 10 and 14 you're in a place where you've only just awakened to full sentience/ independent thought, your brain just rewired itself, and the first thing your newly formed ego does is scream. Hopefully eventually you become more secure in your identity so that you don't need to shout it from the rooftops all the time because you know you won't vanish if you blink, or if there's no one there to watch.


Misato, with Asuka's head in the foreground.
Shinji and Kensuke are on either side of her.

MISATO:“Let me introduce you.
This is the dedicated pilot of Evangelion Unit-02, the Second Child...”

Click for a special treat


Asuka, lifting her chin a little and smiling arrogantly (looking at them with condescension).

MISATO (OFF):“Asuka Langley Sohryu.”

Suddenly there is a strong gust of wind, and the front part of her skirt is turned upwards.

SE <<Woosh flap>>

Asuka's expression doesn't change.

Mr. Tines: We have the "beach"/onsen episode still to come, but is this the nearest we get to panchira by way of "service, service!" in the whole series?

Javi2541997: Defiant look. So natural for Asuka.


Her skirt rustles and is turned upwards.

SE <<Flap>>

Her thighs become exposed, and on the other side of them is Toji, ogling her.
Shinji looks on, stupefied.
Kensuke, not missing an opportunity to capture footage, has turned the upper half of his body back towards the camera.




(The characters appear in time with the sound effects)

Episode #08 “Asuka arrives in Japan”

SE <<(Sound of face-slaps) Slap, slap, slap>>

Line: OK, I know this will seem contradictory with my previous complaints, but the punch noise emphasized by a callback title to it - "Asuka Strikes! Asuka arrives in Japan!" is so hilarious!

<<Back to Scene 9
Continue to Scene 2!>>