Evangelion Mark.06

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Evangelion Unit-06
Model Type Unknown
Pilot(s) Probably Kaworu Nagisa
Soul(s) Unknown
First Sortie Unknown

Composite image of Eva-06's trailer appearance.


Evangelion Unit-06 (エヴァンゲリオン6号機, Evangerion Rokugouki) is a new Evangelion unit to be introduced in Evangelion 2.0: You Can (Not) Advance. It is first seen at the end of Evangelion 1.0 and unveiled in the preview for 2.0 at the end of the same movie.

As initially seen at the end of 1.0, it was called the Moon Giant (月の巨人, tsuki no kyojin). It is present at Nerv's 7th Branch in Mare Tranquilitatis, lying in a large excavation with scaffolding and long stairways constructed around it.[1] The Eva's entire body is covered by a white "rubber cover"[2] with multiple dark seams, generally form-fitting but looser towards the lower body. The purple mask bearing "craters" and the mark of Seele closely resembles Lilith's from the original series, although two stylized "crying eyes" have been added. There is a large, IV-like structure that appears to be connected to the giant's left arm.

The morphology of the head and neck of the incomplete Eva seems to resemble Lilith, although the more defined body, along with what appears to be a core visible beneath the fabric, is closer to an Evangelion. The markings on the arms are also visually identical to those associated with Eva "upkeep".

Eva-06 descends from the Moon along with its pilot, Kaworu Nagisa, and puts an end to Third Impact at the end of Evangelion 2.0.

The first theatrical poster for Eva 2.0 includes the entry "Evangelion Mark.06", presumably in reference to Eva-06. Unlike the other Evas mentioned, a full designation is not provided.


The red-visored helmet, which conceals two eyes, resembles a samurai's kabuto and bears a horn as per Eva-01's. Eva-06 is portrayed with very exaggerated proportions in the trailer, although this may simply be done "for effect" and not represent the Eva's actual physique.

Eva-06 appears to have aerial capabilities and is seen with a halo over its head as it descends[3].

The Eva's final design may differ from what appears in the trailer.


  1. The giant red streak present on the Moon's surface appears to be aligned with this excavation, although any possible significance remains unknown.
  2. A note on the layout drawing (published in Evangelion 1.0 Complete Records Collection) says, "The body is wrapped in a rubber cover." (身体はゴムカバーでおおわれている。)
  3. This may be related to the halo that forms above Sachiel when it uses its A.T. Field to "jump" — see image.

Evangelions (general)
Failed Evangelion Prototypes | Simulation Bodies
Eva-00 | Eva-01 | Eva-02 | Eva-03 | Eva-04 | Mass Production Evangelions (Evas 05~13)
Rebuild of Evangelion: Mark.04 | Eva-05 | Mark.06 | Eva-08 | Mark.09 | Eva-13
Eva 8+2 | Mass Production Evangelions | Failures of Infinity
Other: Extracanonical Evas