FGC:Episode 03 Cut 314

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


Eva, pierced by the tentacles. Sparks fly from Shamshel's core.

Ibuki (OFF):“"10, 9…"”

Reichu: You'd think Shamshel might be a little more proactive about saving her patootie, right? Like, you know, withdraw her tentacles and lop off the Eva's hands or something. Oddly, most of the Angels stop fighting back once their core start to take a beating (but presumably before they've reached The Point of No Return).

…maybe they secretly like it. ::P

Mr. Tines: Given some of the other evidence we have, that may not be quite as off beam as it at first seems. ;) I think anyone who's seen that "naughty harpy" picture will have had it brought to mind by the wording of your comment.