Shinji and Asuka's Relationship

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Despite not joining the cast until Episode 08, Asuka quickly becomes a pivotal figure in the narrative, both in her own right and in her interactions with Shinji. The complex dynamics of their relationship are at the very heart of the show and thus deserve an in-depth analysis. Unfortunately most aspects of the relationship remained both unspoken and denied for nearly if not all of the narrative, and thus the two never come to a conclusive understanding. For this reason, as well as to properly illustrate the compounding nature of each teen's wrongful assessment of their situation, their perspectives will be analyzed separately.

Before reading further, it is important to first realize that what the characters say or do almost never directly corresponds to what they actually feel or desire. It is only by looking at the wider details of a scene, such as background conversations or the framing of a scene that these truths are revealed. In many cases the clues to unraveling a scene can only be found in conjunction with other scenes. Lastly, it is often the case that important information is transmitted visually rather than through dialog, so looking at screenshots is a necessity.

Are They a Couple?

Certainly not in the traditional sense, no... that would require both of them to acknowledge their feelings to each other and possibly others, and before that to themselves. No such luck. Rather, the show makes it clear that they are intended to be analyzed as a couple, even if only a failed one.

Through the action arc and into the beginning of the downswing their interactions follow many conventions of romantic comedy. They have an eventful first meeting, complete with instant dislike and sexual misunderstandings. Circumstances force them into continued proximity, with sexual tensions and slowly building mutual acceptance. Friends see a relationship wither the character's themselves are blind, either teasing or offering advice. Finally it culminates in a first kiss... at which point the formula breaks down irrevocably.

This is also supported in a more subconscious manner via clever use of cuts during important moments to force a parallel between the Shinji/Asuka relationship and that of Misato and Kaji. In episodes 9 and 15, for example, kiss attempts between Shinji and Asuka are immediately followed by scenes of Kaji and Misato engaged in the same. In episode 11 both pairs end up in compromising positions.

Shinji/Asuka and Kaji/Misato

comparison shots from episodes 9, 15, and 11

Shinji's POV

Before Asuka came into the picture, Shinji was just starting to recover from a very dark period in his life. His situation was stabilizing, having gained a degree of acceptance at school, home, and his work at Nerv. He’s still feeling the effects of a long depression, but with growing closeness with Toji, Kensuke, Misato and even a hint of understanding with Rei, he seems to be past the worst of it.

Not so thrilled to meet you

For these reasons his initial introduction to Asuka goes about as poorly as possible. Before he even knows her name she’s antagonizing his new friends, escalating quickly to slaps and insults. Next she’s dragging him around the fleet and putting down his piloting abilities, calling him a pervert right before forcing him to crossdress, then breaking regulations in a manner similar to what got him reprimanded four episodes prior. Throughout the fight she continues insulting and hitting him while Shinji takes control and struggles to save both their lives. It’s fair to say his first impression of the Second Child isn’t glowing.

(more to come)

Asuka's POV

With her family life in shambles, Asuka threw herself completely to the task of being the best of the best in every way she cared to try from a very young age. Despite her impressive accomplishments, however, Asuka was never been able to overcome the trauma of her mother’s accident and suicide, and thus continued to seek confirmation of her worth as a person from everyone around her. At the same time she developed a shell of denial around this vulnerability, hiding it from others and from herself behind a massive superiority complex.

Episode 22 reveals that the evening before meeting the rest of the cast Asuka made a play for Kaji’s affection, most likely out of a combination of real attraction and a desire to be viewed as an adult. Any chance she may have had is likely torpedoed however when she mentions Misato, in a negative manner no less. Kaji casually dismisses her attempt at seduction, but not before mentioning Shinji as an alternative.

You’re telling me that I lost to this puppy?

Asuka attempts to make an impression on Shinji, but her planned introduction is ruined by a stray gust of wind and boyish antics, and she quickly decides he doesn't look all that interesting anyway. Her day continues to be frustrating as Kaji soon begins ignoring her entirely, instead flirting with Misato and praising the Third Child, while a background conversation drives home her feelings: She feels she is being left in the cold for the sake of a ‘puppy’, a boring little boy who shouldn’t be considered anywhere near her league.

Impressed yet? ...Nope.

Kaji's continued prodding about Shinji even when they are alone eventually drives her to make another attempt to put him in his rightful place by showing off her Unit 02, the most important thing in her world. Asuka takes advantage of an angel appearance to show off her talents firsthand by dragging him along for the ride, but events once again refuse to go smoothly and soon the Second Child finds herself being pawed over by the Third (who revealed himself a pervert earlier by peeking while she changed) as he has the gall to try and control HER eva! With her life on the line Asuka is forced to work with the idiot just this once, but in so doing fails to assert her dominance.

(more to come)

One More Final

(coming soon)

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