Mass Production Evangelions

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Mass Production Evangelions
Model Type Mass Production
Pilot(s) Dummy System (Kaworu version)
Soul(s) Unknown
First Sortie Episode 25'


The nine Mass Production Model Evangelions, Eva-05 through Eva-13, were manufactured by Seele at seven different facilities throughout the globe. The specifics of their creation are unknown, but presumably they were, like prior Evas, made from Adam's genetic material.

Nine Mass Production Evangelions were created out of an originally planned twelve Evangelions (through Eva-16). However, Seele had to advance the construction schedule for them, as they knew that wanted to initiate Third Impact as soon as the final Angel was destroyed, and as a result three MP Evas were never completed.

The MP Evangelions were deployed as part of Seele's assault on the Nerv Geofront, but primarily to be utilized as part of Third Impact in conjunction with Evangelion Unit-01.


The MP Evangelions have all been furnished with S² Engines, eliminating the need for umbilical cables or internal batteries. However, unlike Angels, they do not appear to utilize their organs for regenerative purposes (see notes).

They also possess large, fully retractable mechanical wings (with an extended "tail" piece), attached to their shoulders. Considering the Evas' size and weight, traditional flight (as observed in birds, bats, and pterosaurs) would normally be impossible, so the wings would feasibly be used in concert with A.T. Field-based "anti-gravity". The Evas are observed levitating in a more traditional manner (as per various Angels) later on, with their wings spread but serving no apparent function.

Rather than being controlled by living pilots, they synchronize with dummy systems generated from Kaworu Nagisa's thought patterns. This eliminates a disadvantage of traditional piloting: While Evangelions can only truly die if their cores receives sufficient damage, their pilots are considerably more fragile, being susceptible to injury inside the plug, along with trauma associated with synchronization, such as sympathetic pain and even (in some rare cases) vicariously-transferred damage. The absence of a living pilot may play a large part in the MP Evas' collective ability to receive immense amounts of damage without losing functionality. Removing the dummy plug or outright destroying the core (which contains the S² Engine) would be the only truly effective or efficient means of neutralizing one.

They carry no armament except for giant, gray swords that shift into replicas of the Spear of Longinus.

Specific Mass Production Units

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Production sketches of each battle-damaged MP Eva (Click for larger view)

Computer displays clearly list the Mass Production Evangelions as "Eva-05" through "Eva-13", however, their designations are not painted on their shoulders or arms, unlike the regular Evangelions. This might have been to avoid animating the designations each time (The other Evas did not have their designations drawn each time) and also to avoid continuity confusion.

However, production sketches do reveal the specific designations of each of the nine Mass Production Evas. In the order in which Eva-02 engaged them in combat:

  • Evangelion Unit-09 - Attacked by Asuka with a flying-jump "skullbuster" move which tore off its upper jaw and smashed its brain pan to pulp, after which Asuka held it over Eva-02 and broke it in two, spilling its blood all over Eva-02.
  • Evangelion Unit-11 - Pushed into the lake with Eva-02, then stabbed through the top of its head with Eva 02's Progressive Knife; the blade snapped off, impaled in its upper jaw and projecting into its mouth.
  • Evangelion Unit-07 - Right arm cut off by Eva-02's Prog Knife, after which its neck was snapped backwards: it's head actually dangles behind it (touching its back) after this.
  • Evangelion Unit-06 - Dueled Eva-02 using Heavy Spears, until Eva-02 was able to land a direct hit between its left shoulder and neck, cleaving downwards to the center of Eva-06's torso.
  • Evangelion Unit-12 - Completely cut in half by Eva-02 using a Heavy Spear, through the waist, its upper half sent spiraling through the air.
  • Evangelion Unit-08 - Left leg cut off at the knee by Eva-02 using a Heavy Spear, causing it to lose balance and fall on its back.
  • Evangelion Unit-10 - Tackles Eva-02, prompting Asuka to fire two volleys of missile-spikes through its head, using the spike-launcher in Eva-02's right shoulder pylon. The metal spikes remain impaled through Unit 10's devastated head throughout all of its subsequent appearances.
  • Evangelion Unit-05 - Pushed through a wall by Eva-02, resulting in damage to its neck, then thrown through the air into Eva-13; after which it was completely impaled by Eva-02's arm as it punched a hole clear through its torso.
  • Evangelion Unit-13 - Eva-02 threw Eva-05 into it, then as Eva-02's fist came out the other side of Eva-05 as it impaled it, Eva-02's fist punched into Eva-13's chest. Eva-02 squeezed its fist inside of Eva-13 as it writhed in pain.

The Spear-Thrower (Theory and Analysis)

It is not entirely clear which MP Eva is the one that threw the replica Spear of Longinus which took out Eva-02. However, analysis sheds some light on the question:

  • Eva-05 and Eva-13 could obviously not have thrown it, because they are in the same frame as Eva 02 (impaled on its arm after the super-punch).
  • Eva-10 is clearly shown getting up and reactivating, only after Eva-02 is impaled through the head. Eva-11 is clearly shown to begin reactivating while it is still partially submerged in the lake, having not moved between when it was stabbed and went it reactivated). Eva-09 is also shown to be reactivating after Eva-02 the Spear is thrown, albeit in a closeup showing only its head.
  • That leaves Evas-06, 07, 08, and 12. Eva-12 was severely damaged by Eva-02 (it was cut in half) so it is doubtful it was still functioning by the end of the battle. Eva-06 and Eva-07 apparently stopped moving after Eva-02 attacked them.
  • However, out of all of the MP Evas, we never actually see Asuka defeat Eva-08; she simply cut its left leg off at the knee, it fell down, and she switched to fighting a different Eva. In that state, it was still almost entirely functional (that wouldn't have been a fight-ending injury even for Eva-02). Thus (unless Eva-02 attacked it more "off screen"), it was probably Eva-08 that threw the Spear which took out Eva-02.
  • The original Spear of Longinus is capable of self-propulsion. Although the Spear that struck down Eva-02 was a replica Spear, it could have retained the original's "situational awareness" and self-propulsive abilities and reacted to the loss of all MP Evas by launching itself at Eva-02, leaving the question of which Eva carried the Spear moot.


  • Several continuity errors in the animation of the Mass Production Evas in The End of Evangelion has led to some confusion: in several cuts, the MP Evas appear to have restored their severed limbs and regenerated their injuries. However, later cuts after these clearly show that they retain the damage sustained at the hands of Eva-02 through the end of the film (indeed, in a bit of morbid humor, one MP Eva whose head was impaled by spikes fired from Eva-02 retains the spikes impaled in its head through all subsequent appearances). This does raise the question of how the MP Eva that was completely cut in half through its waist was able to still move with the rest; it must be remembered that the MP Evas all have wings, and Asuka apparently didn't damage any of their wings, so even an MP Eva completely missing the lower half of its body could still fly around. Many of the shots we see after the battle with Eva-02 are just of MP Evas that were relatively lightly damaged, and the more severely damaged ones (specifically the one whose legs were completely cut off) just aren't focused on by the "camera" that much.
    • The MP Eva whose arm was cut off at mid-humerus level is seen again with the severed arm just barely holding on to the rest of the Eva. It is possible that the MP Evas can somehow "glue" their dismembered parts together using their A.T. Fields, which would also explain how the one cut in half at waist level could take part in the slaughter of Eva-02 and initiating Third Impact.
  • An animation continuity error occurs with Eva-09: when Asuka does her jump-attack against Eva-09, its upper jaw is clearly completely destroyed as Eva-02's hands push forward into its skull. However, when the MP Evas reactivate after Eva-02 is stabbed through the head, its brains are completely exposed (bits of pink brain matter are even falling out), but its upper jaw is still present, even though it should have been ripped off.
  • Within the series, they are referred to either as "the Mass Production Evangelion Series" in full, or "the Eva Series" for short. Technically, "Eva Series" refers to every Evangelion ever made. This causes some small confusion when characters switch between talking about "the Eva Series" (the MP Evas) and more generally "the Eva Series" (all Evangelions created). "MP Evas" is never actually used on-screen, but is a common short hand way of referring to them.
  • A popular and fairly wide-spread fan-nickname for the Mass Production model Evangelions is "harpies".
Evangelions (general)
Failed Evangelion Prototypes | Simulation Bodies
Eva-00 | Eva-01 | Eva-02 | Eva-03 | Eva-04 | Mass Production Evangelions (Evas 05~13)
Rebuild of Evangelion: Mark.04 | Eva-05 | Mark.06 | Eva-08 | Mark.09 | Eva-13
Eva 8+2 | Mass Production Evangelions | Failures of Infinity
Other: Extracanonical Evas