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Revision as of 02:10, 15 April 2009 by Ironfoot (talk | contribs)
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Name Ironfoot
Real Name Nicholas A. Audette
Date of birth 3/11/1986
Homeland Massachusetts
Role Many
Lot in life Writer and Worker
Favorite Episode 22 and 23
Favorite Character Gendo Ikari
Favorite Relationship Shinji/Misato
Favorite Angel Zeruel
Favorite Evangelion Unit-01

Hello lurker, welcome to my user page.

General Information

A 23 year old male living in Massachusetts, I am. Most of the time, I'm a computer geek, permanently attached to these lovely devices that continuously provide humor, entertainment and endless amounts of porn. If I'm not at my computer, I'm either working, shopping or out with friends somewhere. Well, I was working until I got laid off in February 2009. As for college, I dropped out in 2006, citing the decline in jobs decreasing my motivation of obtaining the piece of paper necessary for that job.

My past history is more positive. Throughout my schooling years I was in Band, within the Percussion section where I learned a variety of instruments from snare drum to timpani, to bongos to drum set and many more. I was in Marching Band for 7 years and again played a variety of instruments, including lead snare drum, lead bass drum, cymbals and even bells. Though by the time 2004 came around and I graduated, I lost my interest in playing music, but I have never lost my interest in listening to it.


I'm also a writer who most of the time can't decide what to write for people to read. So many good ideas, but which to publish? In any case, I have written some fanfiction, mostly in the tune of video games such as Mario and Mega Man. I haven't ventured forth into the Eva fanfiction lands, but I do have an idea for a good fic that may manifest within due time.

In any case, here is my link:

I'm also writing an original science fiction series called "The Primmer." It's about a man named Quinn Segali, originally from Earth who after surviving a freak accident aboard a spaceship, is now immortal and lives throughout time, witnessing many civilization rise and fall. There's much much more to it than that of course, but that's the jist of the main character at any rate.