Evangelion Unit-05

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This page is about the Eva-05 of the Rebuild movies. For the Mass Production Model Eva-05 of End of Evangelion, see Mass Production Evangelions.

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Evangelion Unit-05
Model Type Provisional
Pilot(s) ?Mari
Soul(s) Unknown
First Sortie Evangelion 2.0: You Can (Not) Advance

Evangelion Unit-05 (エヴァンゲリオン5号機, Evangerion Gogouki) is a new Evangelion unit to be introduced in Evangelion 2.0: You Can (Not) Advance. Eva-05 was first unveiled in the preview for 2.0 at the end of Evangelion 1.0: You Are (Not) Alone and appears twice in 2.0's first theatrical trailer. Promotional images for the upcoming (6/09) Revoltech figure have provided the first clear glimpses of Eva-05's full body.


Eva-05 is described as a provisional Eva unit. According to her full designation, as provided on the official movie poster, she has limited applications and serves the function of guarding a "seal". Her movements may be restricted to a series of underground tunnels (see more below).

Physical Features

Eva-05 Revoltech figure (background)

Eva-05 seems to have a standard Evangelion head and torso, but in other respects her physical configuration breaks with convention. She appears to be a quadruple amputee, the organic human-style limbs excised to make room for mechanical substitutes. The actual arms only seem to exist as stubby bases, which may serve as receptacles for an interchangeable suite of weapons. In place of legs, the Eva has four mechanical appendages that terminate in wheel bases[1].

The helmet bears an orange visor and a prominent conical projection on the forehead. There is a tall formation of unknown function directly behind the head. (This seems to have a slightly different appearance in the action figure and is associated with a blade-like object. See image.) There are luminescent regions on both shoulder pylons.

Tram tracks and weapons in lieu of arms?

Eva-05's pylons are topped with stirrup-like antennae which, in the preview, are seen scraping against tracks in the ceiling of an underground tunnel (animated GIF). Their function is possibly, in a manner similar to the overhead power collectors on trams, to transfer electric current to the Eva in lieu of an umbilical cable. If so, Eva-05's movements would be largely (presupposing she possesses an internal battery) restricted to tunnels specifically constructed with such tracks.

The only weapons observed for Eva-05 thus far are a pair of giant, lance-like objects, attached to the arm bases and supported by structures vaguely reminiscent of mantis arms.[2] They may be launchable (low-quality animated GIF).


The theatrical trailer for Eva 2.0 depicts a girl in a plugsuit, wearing a large helmet with "EVANGELION-05" written across the visor. (Low-quality image.) The helmet and the presence of attached tubing suggest that there may be something unusual about the control scheme for Eva-05. Although the character's face is concealed, it is presumably Mari.


  1. The four legs are evident in the Revoltech promotional image; see here for a crude visualization. They are also visible in the storyboard for the 1.0 preview (see right).
  2. The storyboard for the preview describes these as "arms" (腕), although the trailer and Revoltech figure challenge a literal interpretation of this.

Evangelions (general)
Failed Evangelion Prototypes | Simulation Bodies
Eva-00 | Eva-01 | Eva-02 | Eva-03 | Eva-04 | Mass Production Evangelions (Evas 05~13)
Rebuild of Evangelion: Mark.04 | Eva-05 | Mark.06 | Eva-08 | Mark.09 | Eva-13
Eva 8+2 | Mass Production Evangelions | Failures of Infinity
Other: Extracanonical Evas