FGC:OP Cut 034

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


Text: “TOKYO-3”.

SE <<>>

Reichu: Here we go again! In Japanese, “Tokyo-3” is called Dai San Shin-Toukyou-Shi — literally, “Third New Tokyo City.” Obviously, “Tokyo-3” doesn't contain quite as much information.

Keisuke-kun: Well, shi is used to refer to any city in the Japanese language and it is always omitted in English. (Same with the suffices for prefectures and districts.) So that leaves “Third New Tokyo.”

thewayneiac: Tokyo-3 sounds more natural in English than “Third New Tokyo (City)”. There is such a thing as over-translating.

Reichu: Bizarrely, in their Platinum subtitles, ADV substitutes “Tokyo-3” (which they, correctly, had used the first time around) with “New Tokyo-3”. Sort of a minor quibble, but this wasn't one of the things that needed changing!