FGC:Episode 19 Cut 358

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

There are leftover parts of the angel’s face by the trees with red color clinging on them. Unit One’s head comes in the shot, biting into it.

SE <<(OFF right) (eating sound)>>

SE <<ガッ>>

UrsusArctos: If the eyes are directly connected to the S2 organ, that'd explain why Sachiel, Israfel and Zeruel preferentially use optical blasts. However, it makes about as much sense as trying to use a camera as a laser beam after hooking it up to a generator. (Joke added to the additional comments)

Mbryo: There are slight inconsistencies with how Eva 01's dentition is drawn during this whole sequence. In some cuts, her teeth are jagged and uneven, while in this particular cut, they are noticeably less so.

Additional Commentary  

Colonel Quaritch from Avatar: "Out under that city every clone of your mom that walks, crawls or flies wants to kill you and eat your eyes for jujubes".
Zeruel: "Couldn't you have said that sooner...?"...*hurk*...
Yui-sama: "Eyebeam-firing eyeballs, mmmmm...taste like jujubes!"