FGC:Episode 08 Cut 122

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


A catwalk inside the tanker.
Asuka, domineering, puts her hands on her hips.

ASUKA:“Okay, let's go.”

Kendrix: Another classic Asuka pose. In general, they’re very consistent about putting a lot of work into body language as a characterization points. Her words seem to have more force because they’re accompanied by holistic movements (see also the next shot where her pointing emphasizes her words)

IDK to which extent this is just based on a generic “rude American” stereotype, maybe laced with some criticism of both the West & Japan, as Asuka is (In Asia tend to be lumped together as just “the west” though cultural norms & social institutions are vastly different these days) Then again, the Austrians & Swiss do maintain that us northerners are all incredibly rude because we occasionally say “I’ll have a beer” instead of “could I please have a beer?”