FGC:Episode 08 Cut 018

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


Asuka looking below.
She is in silhouette. Her face cannot be seen.

SE <<Bakbakbakbak>>

UrsusArctos: This is our first in-series look at Asuka, and true to form, she's standing high up in the ship with the sun behind her. We'll get to see Asuka associated with the sun on a fairly regular basis.

Line: Her figure is framed so over the top threateningly for a indeed, really fierce head, but frail and childish (I'm not saying it in the bad way you think.) character... The last time I saw this "shadow framing menacingly unknown character" was in 90s anime "for kids" like Pokemon or Cardcaptor Sakura. Why Anno, why?

Zusuchan: This is a very traditional "masculine hero" shot, what with the angle from down below and the shadowed silhouette. Asuka is indeed a rather masculine character.

silvermoonlight: I've always loved this shot in how the camera pans around Asuka though you never see her face. I loved the use of sunbeams floating down as it symbolizes a divine presence which Asuka grows to be, a force of nature in the early episodes.