Evangelion Original

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Original Publication Date July-November 1996

EVANGELION ORIGINAL is a series of Evangelion companion books, in a total of three volumes. Noticeably, they contain the "original" script, the "definitive drafts" of episodes[1] as reviewed by Anno before reaching the storyboard stage, usually with only minor changes relative to the episode as aired, though they are sometimes quite significant. Many episode titles are different, for instance. This is easily one of the most relevant materials to charter Evangelion's production. The books are as follows:

  • Evangelion Original I ISBN 4-8291-7321-1 C0076 P980E (episodes #1 - #9)
  • Evangelion Original II ISBN 4-8291-7322-x C0076 P980E (#10- #18)
  • Evangelion Original III ISBN 4-8291-7323-8 C0076 P980E (#19- #26)


Collection of translated material from Evangelion Original on Gwern's source anthology.

Evangelion Original, volume one, on Japanese Amazon.

One instance of potentially very helpful information that was ultimately cut: a date list for episodes 1-9. It also contradicts the timetable on Rei Ayanami Raising Project, for instance, though that is hardly a trustworthy source.

  1. "In TV anime, as the staff meetings between producers and the directors proceed, the screenwriters write the script. The manuscript goes through the "first draft", "second draft", and the script becomes the "definitive draft." The director draws the storyboard based on the script that has become the "definitive draft". The storyboard is the movie’s blueprint, which has been filled in with the composition of each cut, acting, lines, second count and the like. In anime, the greater part of the director’s "directing" process occurs in the phase of drawing this storyboard. It is not unusual for the contents to change in the storyboard stage. There are also cases when it becomes almost a completely different story.
    Among all 26 episodes of the TV version of “Neon Genesis Evangelion”, Director Anno himself wrote the scripts for five episodes, and is credited jointly with other screenwriters for the scripts of 20 episodes. The number of scripts that were jointly credited are the definitive drafts of scripts based on plots by director Anno written by screenwriters and gone over directly by director Anno. [..] Just by looking at these numbers, you will understand how much director Anno pulled the series together by his personal authorship." https://webcitation.org/5mYowhERa

List of Official Publications
General: Newtype Film Books | Newtype 100% Collection | Movie Pamphlets | Eva Fan Club | Evangelion Chronicle
Production: Neon Genesis Evangelion Proposal | Evangelion Original | Storyboard Collections | Concept Design Collections
Sore o Nasumono: NGE Concept Design Works | Groundwork of Evangelion
Art Books: Der Mond | Die Sterne | Carmine | 2015: The Last Year of Ryohji Kaji | Photo Files (Adam & Eve) | Evangelion Chronicle Illustrations
Other: E-Mono | Evangelion RPG: The Nerv White Paper | Evangelion RPG: Angelic Advent | End of Evangelion: Boku to iu Shingou | It's A Miraculous Win| | All About Kaworu Nagisa: A Child of the Evangelion | Schizo/Parano
Rebuild of Evangelion
General: Movie Pamphlets | Groundwork of Evangelion | Evangelion the New Movies: Storyboards | Eva Extra
Eva 1.0: Evangelion 1.0: Entry File 1 | Evangelion 1.0 Complete Records Collection
Eva 2.0: Evangelion 2.0 Complete Records Collection

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