FGC:Episode 01 Cut 300

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FGC:Episode 01 Cut 300

Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

The insertion device withdraws. The plug cover pulls back into place.

Man A (OFF):“The plug has been secured.”

Man B (OFF):“Begin the first level connection.”

felineki: As painful as it looks, I always liked this shot and its variants. The subtle articulation of the vertebrae and slight movement of the head make the Eva seem much more like a human body than a stiff robot.

Reichu: It does look awfully icky; a chill runs down my spine every time I watch this scene (or any related ones). Although, in actuality, I doubt the Eva feels any pain from the procedure. This part of her body has been thoroughly cyborgized*, after all. It's kind of like how the characters from The Matrix don't scream in agony every time those pointy rods are inserted into the backs of their skulls.
*I live by the credo, "If no word exists for your purposes, make one up."