FGC:Episode 01 Cut 032B

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FGC:Episode 01 Cut 032B

Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

Aoba (OFF):“We have a visual image of the target. Transferring it to the main screen.”

Woman (OFF):“An irregular magnetic field detected in the target's environs. Please commence with precise measurements immediately.”

Reichu: The Tactical Command Room is a much busier place in the Renewal version of this episode. To help fill out the enhanced 5.1 audio track, random Gainax employees got to recite newly-added lines of nigh-incomprehensible techno-jargon (think Star Trek) in military Japanese. But this is the language of Nerv, so if you were baptised with the original release of NGE, this should be nothing new. Here is some additional info from the Platinum 0:3 booklet:

Some of the additional recorded dialogue is material that was intentionally left off the 2.0 stereo recording, even though Director Anno originally planned for it when the show was being produced, because it was surmised that including those lines would be information overload, making everything harder to hear. In other cases, there was dialogue added to tighten up certain areas that had too little information in terms of the audio. Specifically speaking, the majority of these lines are reports and announcements from the Nerv staff at the command center. Others include background crowd noises in school scenes and announcements at train stations. Of the cast members who participated in the additional cast recordings, the only original cast member is Megumi Hayashibara. And her part was to play the super computer, MAGI, not Rei Ayanami. In other words, of the characters with names, the only one to have additional dialogue was the MAGI.

The 5.1 supplemental dialogue is marked off with this color. Most of the time, it's playing in the background, behind other dialogue, so even if you were Japanese you'd probably have a hard time understanding it. (Good thing they bothered including it in the Renewal script so that I could easily attack it with my n00b translation skillz.) Some of these new lines actually contain some interesting technical tidbits — nothing vital to the story, of course, but yummy stuff if you're interested in NGE's technical minutiae.

Additional Commentary  

Kendrix: You can hardly hear this if you're not reading the script... but the very existence of this forum proves that there *are* ppl nerdy enough to be interested in the technicalities... So, thanks, Anno!

This also shows the level of Detail Anno put into this... and why not? Many Animes/Movies are based on Books or Mangas, and so often don't make use of just how much information you can squeeze into a video - you have the whole picture, lots of pixels, not just those where the main story is happening, BGM, sound, dialogue... Anno uses the whole picture7screen, not just the parts that are moving. He even manages to put that sort of information density into a romance comedy - Kare Kano (and Eva, too) are much more fun if you have a pause and a replay button.