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Salvaging is the act of extracting a soul from a donor and embedding it into a clone or one of the Evangelions. The donor my be alive, as in the case of Yui Ikari (Eva-01) and Kyoko Zeppelin Soryu (Eva-02), or deceased as in the case of Rei I, parts of whose soul where transfered into Rei II and Eva-00, Rei II, whose Soul was transfered into Rei III, and Kaworu Nagisa , possessor of Adam's soul, whose soul was transfered back into the Adam embryo (in Gendo's hand), after his death.

Salvaging equipment surrounding Shinji's entry plug, from Episode 20

Salvaging was also attempted on two occasions in order to fix a soul into a re-creation of its original body. These attempts were both failures, although Shinji did re-form on his own shortly after the attempt to salvage him failed. The earlier attempt to salvage Yui's soul failed completely, and she remained in Eva-01. However, this attempt did somehow result in the creation of Rei, a person based upon Yui's DNA who possessed Lilith's soul.

The exact mechanics of soul salvaging are never detailed, but when the donor is living, it involves a Contact Experiment.