Keel Lorenz

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Keel Lorenz
Keel Lorenz
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown
Seiyū Mugihito

Chairman Keel Lorenz is the enigmatic leader of the mysterious Seele organization, and (arguably) the real primary antagonist of Neon Genesis Evangelion.


Little is known of the Seele organization, and even less is known about its leader, Chairman Keel, who also serves as the head of the Human Instrumentality Committee, the five-man subgroup of Seele which directly oversees Nerv's Evangelion project (as well as their secret Human Instrumentality Project), and functions by working through the UN, secretly pulling the strings of world governments.

What is known for certain is that Keel was active within Seele's machinations before Second Impact, and was involved along with Gendo in the United Nations' cover-up of the true nature of the disaster involving Adam and the Katsuragi Expedition. Through Seele, Keel secretly backed Gehirn and later its successor organization, Nerv in their creation of the Evangelion project.

At some point between Second Impact and 2015, most of Keel's body, below the neck, was replaced with cybernetic implants. Although he uses a visor to see, Keel still possesses eyes (as indicated by production drawings). When the organic components of his body became LCL, the remaining mechanical components were left behind, and appear to include most of his spinal column.


  • Keel was named for both the ship part and the Austrian biologist Konrad Lorenz. Originally, his name was actually going to be "Konrad Lorenz".
  • Lorenz's first name, "Keel", is actually spelled incorrectly. It should be "Kiel", as "Keel", in German, would be pronounced like "Kayl". However, due to the proliferation of "Keel" in canonical materials, this spelling is used.
  • Keel's age is unknown, although he appears to be no more than in his seventies in the Second Impact coverup photograph. He has visibly aged in the subsequent 15 years, but it's uncertain if the reception of extensive cybernetic implants has prevented him from aging as much as he otherwise would have. The Proposal provides Keel's (or Konrad's, rather) age as 67, although there is no way to know if this carried through to the final show.
Main characters: Shinji Ikari | Rei Ayanami | Asuka Langley Soryu
Nerv staff: Misato Katsuragi | Gendo Ikari | Ritsuko Akagi | Kozo Fuyutsuki | Ryoji Kaji | Maya Ibuki | Makoto Hyuga | Shigeru Aoba
Classmates: Toji Suzuhara | Kensuke Aida | Hikari Horaki
Other characters: Kaworu Nagisa | Yui Ikari | Naoko Akagi | Kyoko Zeppelin Soryu | Dr. Katsuragi | Mr. Langley | Keel Lorenz | Pen Pen
Rebuild of Evangelion: Asuka Shikinami Langley | Mari Makinami Illustrious | Sakura Suzuhara | Ryoji Kaji (Jr)
Miscellaneous: Minor Characters | Minor Characters (Rebuild) | Extracanonical Characters
Theory and Analysis: Name Origins (Warships) | Designs | Relationships | Profiles
Resources: 2015: The Last Year of Ryohji Kaji