Evangelion: ReDeath

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Evangelion: ReDeath is a popular fandub parody of Neon Genesis Evangelion and The End of Evangelion, produced by "Studio Sokodei" back in 2000. ReDeath is among the most popular fan-parodies in existence today — definitely required viewing for NGE fans, especially those with a twisted sense of humor. It is frequently shown at anime conventions, with showings of other fan-produced parodies, and has (somehow or another) leaked onto DC++ hubs and other file-sharing aps.

ReDeath is composed of footage (some doctored) from the Evangelion TV series and movies (as well as some from Tenchi Muyo! and Pokémon), dubbed over by Studio Sokodei's delightfully cheesy voice talent and accompanied by a zanily assorted soundtrack (Strauss, followed by a Bee Gees number?!). Its story (well, if it could be considered such) centers around Shinji's attempts to learn what the Nookie is, while his father, Gendo, schemes to become "The Über-Pimp" through the catastrophic misuse of dated pop music.

ReDeath was later remastered with new audio and better quality video footage as "Evangelion: ReDeath ReDux"


  • "It's *Gendo*!" (announced by a group of female voices whenever Gendo (the "Über-Pimp") appears on screen, a la Shaft)