FGC:Episode 01 Cut 048

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FGC:Episode 01 Cut 048

Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary
Misato:“Didn't mean to keep you waiting.”
Reichu: Considering her charge was almost killed a moment ago, Misato's mien is alarmingly casual.

MDWigs: It's supposed to be! She's the cool older woman.

Gundampilotspaz: I'm sure she is just as scared as Shinji is even though she doesn't show it.

HeWhoPostsStuff: Seriously, when giant rampaging creatures are crushing things only feet away from you and blasting away entire armies without trying, what've you got to lose in spewing some cheesy action-hero lines? Heck, you're not gonna find a better opportunity than that to do so, not to mention you might not live long enough to get a second shot at it in that situation.

Additional Commentary  

OMF: You know, the whole design of the car, and especially Misato's sunglasses, always remind me of Doc Brown in Back to the Future, away to whisk our clueless hero off on a whirlwind sci-fi adventure. "Shinji! You got to come back with me!", "Back where?!", "Back to your Father!", "... this is heavy."

Dr. Nick: I think her sunglasses look a lot like Captain Tylor's famous shades . Luckily for Nerv, she's a slightly more responsible character than him (but not by much).

thewayneiac: It's also possible that Tylor secretly knows exactly what he's doing; you can't really say that about Misato at this point.

Reichu: Well, at least I'm not the only one whose brain makes associations where none exist. ;) :wonders if Shinji wears "Calvin Klein" undies: